A Real-Time Physical System is about scheduling physical systems as they were computing tasks. A real-time scheduler is used as controller of the system. Traditional scheduling algorithms, such as the Earliest Deadline First (EDF), can be used by the scheduler. Physical systems are modeled as dynamical systems, having the real-time schedule as input signal.
The scheduler inside the Operating System makes many programs run "simultaneously" on our computers. In the same way, in our houses many electric devices are active at the same time. Applying the super-efficient scheduling techniques of our computers to our houses can be very useful!
A RTPS is composed by:
For many dynamical systems, there are theoretical results showing how to choose the timing parameters for designing the scheduling algorithm such that the evolution of the physical system is under control.
Comparison of the total power consumption of 100 air conditioners controlled by an hysteresis controller and by a RTPS controller. It is remarkable the flattening effect due to the coordinated scheduling. Flattern power demand has a number of advantages, including a peak load reduction.