My name is Marco L. Della Vedova (family name: Della Vedova) and I was born in Tirano, Valtellina, Italy, in 1984.
I am Senior Lecturer of Artificial Intelligence at CHALMERS University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. My research group on Applied Artificial Intelligence, led by Prof. Mattias Wahde, is at the division of Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems, Dept. of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences.
I've taught several courses in the fields of computer programming and data analytics over the years. Now, I teach Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization in Sports at Chalmers. More details about my teaching experience in the dedicated page. I supervised 45+ students during their bachelor/master theses.
My research interests currently focus on:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Interpretable and Explainable AI
- Natural Language Processing and Conversational Agents
- AI applications in Forestry and Intelligent Transportation Systems
In the past I worked on Cloud Computing, Fake news and hate speech online, Real-Time Physical Systems, Smart and Efficient Energy Management in Cyber-Physical Systems, Autonomous Mobile Robotics.
You can find more about my research in the publications and projects pages.

Education and Academic Career
I graduated in Computer Engineering (Bachelor'2006, Master'2009, PhD'2013) at University of Pavia, Italy. I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation, Real-Time Physical Systems and Electric Load Scheduling, under the amazing supervision of Prof. Tullio Facchinetti. Since Tullio’s former supervisor is Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo, I’m glad to be his grandchild in the lineage of research. Prof. Lalo Magni and Prof. Antonella Ferrara supervised my work for the bachelor and master theses, respectively.
During my doctoral studies, in 2011, I had the pleasure to spend one year at U.C. Berkeley (California, USA), hosted by Prof. Francesco Borrelli at the Model Based Predictive and Distributed Control Lab.
After the graduation, I started my academic career as Post-Doc at the Robotics Lab, Dept. of Industrial, Computer and Biomedical Engineering - University of Pavia (2012-2014).
From 2014 to 2021 I've been Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Dept. of Mathematics and Physics - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy. During this stay, I served as secretary of the board of directors of the MatHEX research center for the applications of mathematics and computer science. Moreover, I was in the scientific committee of MediaVox, the university's observatory on online hate speech.
In 2022 I've been Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at the Dept. of Management, Information and Production Engineering - University of Bergamo, Italy. I spent only few months in Bergamo because I had the opportunity to join Chalmers as faculty member, so I moved to Sweden. Despite the short period of time, I really enjoyed to be part of the group led by Prof. Stefano Paraboschi.
In 2022 I've been appointed as Senior Lecturer at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
In 2024 I obtained the title of Docent in Applied Artificial Intelligence and the Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from Chalmers University of Technology.
Notable facts
- I'm the President of FISO-Lombardia, a regional committee of the Italian Orienteering Federation, since 2016.
- I'm licensed as Event Advisor for the International Orienteering Federation (IOF), since 2018.
- I have been the Coordinator of the ERASMUS+ project EUrienteering, from 2020 to 2022.
- I served as Judge for the IEEEXtreme international programming competition, organized by IEEE, from 2014 to 2017. I was the author of Snakes and bunnies, Mancala'h, and Orienteering problems.
- I collaborated as scientific consultant for machine learning projects with Interlogica, a software company based in Venezia, Italy.
- I won the best thesis award assigned by Order of the Engineers of Bergamo for my Ph.D. thesis, in 2013.
- I was the Italian champion of the quiz Il Cervellone in 2012. I teamed up with Fabio Fattore and Marco Conte.
- I ranked first in the Italian classification (148th overall) of the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 6.0 in 2012. I was together with my teammates Luigi Pasotti and Thiago Barroero.
- I've been an International House at Berkeley resident, in 2011.
- I won the Premio Arturo Schena award assigned by Fondazione Credito Valtellinese for my master thesis, in 2010.